Prudent Business:
Practical Wisdom for Managers
We are currently accepting submissions for a Paper Development Workshop on„Prudent Business: Practical Wisdom for Managers“ to be held in Tübingen, Germany, at the Global Ethic Institute (Weltethos-Institut), on 7 October 2015. Workshop participants are also invited to register for the 3rd Annual Humanistic Management conference, which will take place on 8-9 October 2015.
The purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum for researchers from academia and management practice to present their research, to benefit from peer-to-peer feedback and to receive information regarding the publishing process.
1. Conceptual thoughts
Practical Wisdom from philosophical, religious, spiritual, cultural and ethnic traditions plays an important role in the context of contemporary business practice (Bachmann, Loza-Adaui, & Habisch 2014, Bachmann, Habisch & Dierksmeier 2015, Malloch & Dierksmeier 2016) and has implications at the micro, meso and macro levels. At the micro level of the individual, prudence informs the actions of persons; at the meso level of the corporations and organizations it operates in and through economic structures and sustains the humanistic management practice of entrepreneurs and managers; and at the macro level of institutions, prudence impacts the crafting of rules in organizations and constitutions. Prudence thereby represents an important ‘cultural capital’ of organizations or business associations for addressing pressing challenges of a globalized economy like environmental and social degradation, poverty and social disintegration, etc.
Schwartz & Sharpe (2011), however, have shown that practical wisdom is increasingly being sidelined by tendencies of political centralization, legal formalization, and economization. For example, sophisticated legal compliance programs may limit and ultimately even undermine the ability to follow humanistic principles of sound judgement and situation-adequate reasoning.
2. Relevant Topics
Contributions may focus on one of the following areas:
Cultural and Spiritual Sources of Wisdom
Practical wisdom for prudent management comes in many forms and from different traditions – religious and spiritual, ethnic and cultural etc. Contributions may focus on a specific regional or cultural tradition of wisdom, and may describe its influences on individual conduct as well as on institutional structures or frameworks for business.
Practical Wisdom for Sustainable Innovation
In many ways, prudence is tantamount to heuristic knowledge that inspires innovation towards sustainable lifestyles or business practices. Wise practitioners serve as change agents, transforming inherited principles of practical wisdom into business strategies. Contributions may include historical or contemporary studies on the contributions of specific traditions to humanistic management practices.
Practical Wisdom and Organizational Culture
Wisdom traditions can influence the integration of staff in decision making, customer relationship management, corporate complaint management, the creation and nurturing of internal corporate networks of solidarity, corporate volunteering in society, cross-sector partnership with educational organizations etc. Contributions may focus on how prudent organizational cultures contribute to the value creation process in firms.
Case Studies of Wise Leadership Practice
Prudent decision-making of entrepreneurs and wise organizational leaders help companies overcome many of the current challenges of intercultural stakeholder management in the era of globality. Contributions may focus on cross-cultural management and social integration, organizational justice, business in society and cross-sector-partnerships, organizational culture etc.
3. Submission Details
Two types of submission are invited:
1) Extended paper abstract. These should be 600-1000 words in length and will be a summary of a specific research project or paper, either completed or work-in-progress. The abstract should provide a brief overview of the research, including introduction, literature review, research questions, methodology, findings, conclusions, and selected references.
2) Case study abstracts. These should be 600-1000 words in length and will outline a full case study. The proposal should include a description of the aims and rationale for the case, including the academic discipline to which it might be attributed.
All submissions should be written in Word, using 12pt font with double line spacing and 1” margins. Please include a title page (not included in word count), including your name, institution, and contact information. All submissions should be sent to:
Prof. Dr. Andre Habisch:
Prof. Dr. Michael Pirson:
4. Important Dates
Until September 1st, 2015
Submission of abstracts and case study proposals (600-1,000 words for both), to be
submitted through the conference website
Until September 15th, 2015
Selection of abstracts completed and authors notified. Registration opens.
October 7th, 2015
Paper development workshop at WEIT, Tübingen
Until April 1st, 2016
Submission of full papers
5. PDW Chairs and Organizers
Prof. Dr. André Habisch, Prof. Cath. Univ. Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany, Co-Editor Journal of Humanistic Management, email:
Prof. Dr. Michael Pirson, Prof. Fordham University New York, Editor-in-Chief Journal of Humanistic Management, email:
Prof. Dr. Claus Dierksmeier, Prof. Univ. of Tübingen and Director at the Global Ethic Institute, Academic Director of the Humanistic Management Center, Co-Editor Journal of Humanistic Management, email: