Institute of the Weltethos Foundation
at the University of Tübingen

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Rector of the University of Tübingen, Bernd Engler, becomes President of the Global Ethic Foundation

After the end of his term as Rector of the University of Tübingen, Prof. Dr. Bernd Engler takes over the presidency of the Global Ethic Foundation from Eberhard Stilz. The handover of office will take place in Tübingen on October 11. Engler, who has already cooperated with the Global Ethic Foundation in the past on the occasion of the Global Ethic Speeches, is looking forward to the new task. This was communicated to the Catholic News Agency (KNA) by the head of university communications, Dr. Rijkhoek, according to the newspaper Schwäbisches Tagblatt.

“In the face of a rapidly changing society and numerous conflicts worldwide, the idea of a global ethic is more important than ever”, said Rector Engler in participation of a joint campaign the Global Ethic Foundation and the Global Ethic Institute.