The joint essay “Social Market Economy as a Peace Project”, which Dr. Christopher Gohl, Prof. Nils Goldschmidt, Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrich Hemel and Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Sachs first published in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in December 2019 is finding more and more international resonance.
After the article was discussed at a number of conferences in the Latin American region (see here), the Spanish version “Economia social de mercado como proyecto de paz internacional” was first published (see here and here).
Meanwhile, the essay has also been published in Italian under the title “L’economia sociale di mercato come progetto di pace internazionale” on the site of the Tocqueville-Acton Center for Studies and Research in Enterprise and Work 4.0.
Recently, there was also a conference with Ulrich Hemel in the Indian-speaking world on the topic.