An-Institut der Stiftung Weltethos
an der Universität Tübingen

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Case studies in business ethics: Humanistic business models in practice


Oliver Laasch (PhD) / Prof. Dr. Claus Dierksmeier



Blockseminar, Bachelorveranstaltung






Freitag, 08.06.18 10-17.30 Uhr c.t.

Samstag, 09.06.18 10-17.30 Uhr c.t.

Sonntag, 10.06.18 10-17.30 Uhr c.t.


Weltethos-Institut, Hintere Grabenstraße 26, 72070 Tübingen

Voraussetzungen/ Zielgruppe

Bachelor students; business and economics students or students from other faculties, but with strong background in business and economics

Leistungsnachweis /Prüfungsform


Presentation + paper (10-15 pages)

3-6 ECTS



To register, please send an email including your name, student number and address to the Global Ethic Institute ( Please also indicate your major concentration and how many semesters of study you have completed.


11. April 2018

Max. Teilnehmerzahl



·     Kimakowitz, E. v., Pirson, M., Spitzeck, H., Dierksmeier, C., & Amann, W. (2011). Humanistic management in practice. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

·     Laasch, O., & Conaway, R. N. (2014). Principles of responsible management: Glocal sustainability, responsibility, ethics. Mason: Cengage.

·     Melé, D. (2003). The challenge of humanistic management. Journal of Business Ethics, 44, 77-88.

·     Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business model generation: A handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers [Kindle Edition]. Hoboken: Wiley.      



Ethical business often has been used as an umbrella term for the various ways, that business ‘do the right thing’. The related humanistic management and business perspective focusses on business and management practices for ‘human flourishing’ as the right thing to do. In this seminar we will discuss the structures and practices of humanistic business and management to develop humanistic business models and humane businesses.


In a first step, the concepts of humanistic management and business models will be explored as analysis frameworks for the following case discussions. Each learner will prepare and present a case study of a real business. For preparation, a summary of each case study will be shared with the whole group approximately one month before the seminar date. In the seminar each case will then will be discussed in depth with the entire group. Insights across cases analyzed will finally be used to co-develop a humanistic reference business model. In the voluntary term paper (Hausarbeit) students will be asked to use this reference model to analyse a business model of a real-life company (existing or start-up) and to conceptually re-design it so that it becomes a “humanistic” business.