An ethically sound and sustainably oriented financial system is not only possible, but also urgently needed.
Dr. Bernd Villhauer
Dr. Bernd Villhauer
Bernd Villhauer has been Managing Director of the Global Ethic Institute since January 2015. Born in 1966, after training as an industrial clerk, he studied philosophy, ancient history and art history at the universities of Freiburg i. Brsg., Jena and Hull (UK). After completing his doctorate on a cultural-philosophical topic, he worked in the publishing and media sector, most recently as head of editing at the publishing group Narr Francke Attempto. He is co-founder of the Institut für Praxis der Philosophie e.V. in Darmstadt, heads the Lab “Good Leadership” at the European School of Governance and the research group Finance and Economics at the Global Ethic Institute. His work focuses on sustainable finance, monetary theory and financial ethics.