DozentIn | Dr. Christopher Gohl | Veranstaltungstitel | Ethics in International Relations | Veranstaltungsart | Seminar; Masterveranstaltung, EPG II | Sprache | Englisch | Zielgruppe | Masterstudierende; Lehramtsstudierende ab dem 5. Fachsemester | Max. Teilnehmerzahl | 24 | SWS | 2 | Veranstaltungsbeginn | 15.04.2015 | Wochentag / Uhrzeit | Mittwoch, 14-16 Uhr | Ort / Raum | Weltethos Institut, Hintere Grabenstraße 26 | Inhalt | The seminar addresses ethical concerns in the practice of international relations in a globalized world. It strengthens the students’ ethical judgment in regard to moral agendas and their justifications, functions, and implementation. After an introduction to the traditions and challenges of ethics in international relations, emphasis is put on the traditions and current issues of cosmopolitan ethics. Cosmopolitanism is especially relevant to a variety of practical issues of an emerging global civil society, amongst them the application of human right standards to issues of poverty, mobility and migration, as well as to issues of a new political world order and a cosmopolitan democracy. A concluding discussion addresses the question of moral progress in international relations. | Anmeldung | Per E-Mail – mit Angabe von Name, Matrikelnummer, Studienfach und Semesterzahl, Adresse, Geburtsort und -datum im Weltethos-Institut unter | Anmeldefrist | Freitag, 10. April 2015 | Leistungsnachweis / ECTS-Credits | Anwesenheit, Präsentation, Ausarbeitung bis zu 6 ECTS, für Politikwissenschaftler bis zu 8 ECTS | Literaturangaben | - Amstutz, Mark R. (2008): International Ethics. Concepts, Theories, and Cases in Global Politics, 3. Aufl., Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
- Beardsworth, Richard (2011): Cosmopolitanism and International Relations Theory, Cambridge: Polity Press.
- Benhabib, Seyla (2011): Dignity in Adversity. Human Rights in Troubled Times. Cambridge: Polity Press.
- Brown, Garrett W. & Held, David (Hrsg.) (2010): The Cosmopolitan Reader. Cambridge: Polity Press.
- Dierksmeier, Claus u.a. (Hrsg.) (2011): Humanistic Ethics in the Age of Globality. New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan.