Dr. Gabriele Sigg studied sociology, comparative cultural studies and philosophy at the University of Regensburg. After several field research stays in Turkey, she received her doctorate under binational supervision at the Humboldt University of Berlin on an investigation of traditional and modern trade practices using the example of the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul. The dissertation was published in 2017 under the title: “Ehre revisited. The attitude of character as a social basis”.
In her opinion, a developed sense of honour is particularly central to the functioning of modern societies, since this cannot be guaranteed by formal organisation alone. It is her concern to liberate the concept of honor from its cultural-historical distortions and alienations and thus to connect it fruitfully with the global ethic for a global society.
In her research, in the spirit of Humboldt’s educational ideal, she advocates a connection between ancient philosophy and empirical social and cultural sciences.
Further information: www.gabrielesigg.de