Institute of the Weltethos Foundation
at the University of Tübingen

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Research Project: Inclusive Development for a Globalization with Human Dignity

The new research project “Research Project: Inclusive Development for a Globalization with Human Dignity” was launched at the beginning of 2023. The project was kicked off by Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrich Hemel’s trip to Latin America with numerous lectures and discussions on the topic. A second occasion was the Global Ethic Year theme “Sources of Hope“. The idea of developing guidelines for sustainable and inclusive development for global civil society arose as part of the preparations for a conference on the topic. We present the initial results here:

Global Ethic Theses for a Globalization with Human Dignity

Inclusivity Index for the Global Civil Society

and the Magical Square for the Great Transformation
Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrich Hemel on the research project: Inclusive Development for a Globalization with Human Dignity

We cordially invite you to our project presentation on March 6!

Are you a researcher or part of an organization working on related topics? We cordially invite you, in cooperation with the Institute for Social Strategie to a project presentation and discussion at the Global Ethic Institute on March 6 from 4 to 6 pm. You are also welcome to present your own short statement in which you outline your own research or project on the subject. Your statement may take up to 7 minutes and should contribute to “inclusive development” and “humane globalization”.

We look forward to your registration!

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